My co-worker likes to read through the powershell reddit and found this interesting little challenge.
I had an idea for a function to generate Powerball and Megamillions numbers - multiple ticket generation segmented into separate objects and then converted into valid JSON; I did come up with something but figured this would be a nice short script challenge since it doesn't rely on an external API.I thought I'd take a crack at it. So far, of the 12 responses, most of them are variants of the random number generator. After one post about 'unique' numbers, the values started getting error checking.
Enjoy! (source)
Results returned looks like this:
Balls: 1(16%) 58(12%) 6(16%) 61(12%) 64(12%) Mega: 22
#megamillions $MegaMillionsWebPage = Invoke-WebRequest #Extract table from web page $mmTable = ($MegaMillionsWebPage.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("TABLE") | % {$_.innertext} | % {$_.split("`n")})[1..25] #Return mid-five columns from table (ball column) #DrawDate Balls MegaBall Megaplier Details $balls = $mmTable | % {$_.split(" ")[1..5]} #Get only megaball values $Megaball = $mmTable | % {$_.split(" ")[6]} #Group appearance of mega ball by appearance on table $GrpBalls = $balls | group | Sort-Object -property count -Descending #Base line statistics of mega ball number occurence. $BallStats = $GrpBalls | Measure-Object -Property count -min -max -average # Have won more than 'average' number of times. $avg = [int]$BallStats.average While ($mostPopular.count -lt 5 -and $avg -gt 0) { $mostPopular = $GrpBalls | ? {$_.count -gt $avg} | select -ExpandProperty Name $avg-- #broaden scope if less than 5 results returned. } #Return 5 numbers from the most popular results. $MyBalls = $mostPopular | Sort-Object {Get-Random} | select -first 5 | % {[int]$_} | Sort-Object #Show number of appearance of each value.. $WeightedBalls = $GrpBalls | ? {$myballs -eq $} | select name, @{Name = "Weight"; Expression = {[string](($_.count / 25) * 100) + "%"}} $BallReport = $WeightedBalls | sort -Property name | %{$"("+$_.weight+")"} write-host -NoNewline "Balls: ", ($BallReport -join (" ")) $megaGrp = $megaball | group | Sort-Object -property count -Descending $MegaBallStats = $megaGrp | Measure-Object -Property count -min -max -average $MegaAVG = [int]$MegaBallStats.average #Randomly pick one of the most popular mega numbers.. $MegamostPopular = $megaGrp | ? {$_.count -eq $MegaBallStats.maximum} | select -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object {Get-Random} | select -first 1 write-host " Mega:",$MegamostPopular
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