Thursday, January 09, 2014 7:10:46 AM
DB | DAG1S01 | DAG1S02 | DAG1S03 | DAG1S04 | DAG1S05 | DAG1S06 | DB Copies | Mbx Count |
3 | 80 | |||||||
3 | 250 |
This script takes 2 variables:
- DAGNames - name(s) of the DAGs you want the report on.
- FilePath - File path for where to save the HTML report. If left blank, it will put the report in the local drive.
If you put in multiple DAGs, it will generate an additional report that includes all DAGs that you specified. I have a schedule task that runs the script against all DAGs here, then emails the HTML file to me for review each morning. This report is a great way to see if a server went down and the DBs rolled to another server (red = not mounted on activation preference 1), and see if anything is dismounted or in failing state.
<# .SYNOPSIS .\Report-DAGDBDistribution.ps1 - Create Graphical report of DAG DB distribution .DESCRIPTION Reads DAG DB layout, then generates an HTML report detailing what server each DB has a copy on and their activation preference. .PARAMETERDAGName - Simple Name of a DAG .EXAMPLE .\Report-DAGDBDistribution.ps1 -DAGName DAG5 .SOURCE #> [CmdLetBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$DAGNames, [parameter()] [string]$FilePath ) #Cell color for each Activation Preference on the DB. $CellColor = @{1 = "#ffff00";2 = "#00ff00";3 = "#ff00ff";4 = "#00ffff";5 = "#ffffff";6 = "#ffffff"} $errorColor = "#FF0000" if ($filepath -eq "" ) {$filepath = ".\"} if ($filepath -notlike "*\") {$filepath += "\"} if ($DagNames -eq "") {break} $DoAllInOne = ($DagNames.count -gt 1) #Return # of mailboxes per DB. function Get-MDBMailboxCount ([string]$DN) { $Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $Searcher.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry ("LDAP://$(([system.directoryservices.activedirectory.domain]::GetCurrentDomain()).Name)") $Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(homeMDB=$DN))" $Searcher.PageSize = 10000 $Searcher.SearchScope = "Subtree" $results = $Searcher.FindAll() $returnValue = $results.Count #dispose of the search and results properly to avoid a memory leak $Searcher.Dispose() $results.Dispose() return $returnValue } if ($doAllInOne) { $AIOreportName = $filepath+"DAGReport.HTML" Get-Date | Out-File -FilePath $AIOreportName '' | Out-File -FilePath $AIOreportName -Append } foreach ($dagname in ($DagNames | Sort)) { $DagMBXCount = 0 #Reads list of current server names in the DAG $serverList = (Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $DagName).servers | sort name| %{$} if ($serverList -eq $null) { Write-Host "ERROR: No servers found in DAG: $DAGNAME" -ForegroundColor red break} #reads Unique names of DBS on these servers $dbs = $serverList | %{Get-MailboxDatabase -server $_} | sort name | select -Unique Name | %{$} #Build HashTable for report $hashtable = @{} ForEach ($s in $dbs) {$hashtable[$s] = @{}} #Populate, then add a second dimension ForEach ($db in $dbs) { $ap = (get-mailboxdatabase $db).ActivationPreference | sort key ForEach ($k in $ap) { $hashtable[$db][$] = $k.value } } #Build Report if ($FilePath -eq "") { $reportName = ".\"+$DagName + ".HTML" } else { $reportName = $filepath+$DagName + ".HTML" } " "+$DAGName + "
" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName ForEach ($s in $serverList) { "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append } "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append ForEach ($db in $dbs) { $WhereMounted = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $db | ?{$_.status -eq "mounted"}).activedatabasecopy "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append ForEach ($s in $serverList) { $htv = $hashtable[$db][$s] if ( $htv -eq $null) { #no copy of this DB on this Server. "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append } else { #create cell and color based on Activation Preference $strHT = [string]$htv $namestr = $db + "\"+$s $dbstatus = (Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $namestr).status #Add db status into the table if not mounted or healthy. Switch ($dbstatus) { "Healthy" {} "Mounted" {} default {$strHT += " "+$dbstatus+""} } #indicate if copy is active. $strColor = $CellColor[$htv] if ($s -eq $WhereMounted) { $strHT += "*" #Show error color if not active on AP 1. if ($htv -ne 1) { $strColor = $errorColor} } "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append } } "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append $MbxCount = Get-MailboxDatabase $db | %{Get-MDBMailboxCount $_.distinguishedname} $DagMbxCount += $mbxCount "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append } "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append ForEach ($s in $serverList) { "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append } "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append "" | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append "
DB "+$s + " DB Copies Mbx Count "+$db + " "+$strHT + " " + [string](Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $db).count+" " + [string]($mbxCount) +" "+ ((Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $DAGName).servers | %{Get-MailboxDatabase -Server $} | select -Unique Name).count+" "+(Get-MailboxDatabase -server $s).count + " Total Mailboxes: "+[string]$DagMBXCount+" * = active db " | Out-File -FilePath $reportName -Append if ($DoAllinOne) { #Add report to all-in-one report. Get-Content $reportName | Out-File -FilePath $AIOreportName -Append #Add Page Break for printout. '' | Out-File -FilePath $AIOreportName -Append } #Display report on screen. Invoke-Expression $reportName } if ($doAllInOne) { #Open All In One DAG Report Invoke-Expression $AIOreportName }
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