
Friday, December 20, 2013 reborn

It's been a few weeks, and I miss my old blog site. Here are a few things, I've been working on..

Quickly create an array of strings.
I use this when I've been given a list of something (smtp addresses, contact names, etc.) and need to search my servers for them. I cut and paste the code below into a Posh window, then paste in the data.

$s=@();do {$r=Read-Host "+";if($r -ne ""){$s+=$r.trim()}} while ($r -ne "")

Copy and paste from the source (html page, script run, email). When done, hit Enter for a blank line and now I can run my script against this list.

$s | %{get-mailbox $_} 

Dumping email from Exchange 2010 queues. 
Had an issue where mail was incorrectly routed to a send-connector that couldn't actually route email. I found that I could export the messages to an .eml file, but I couldn't the "AssembleMessage" filter they referenced. Of course, try from the Exchange Management Shell and it worked fine.

#Grab all queues that belong to the send connector
$queues = get-TransportServer | get-queue | ?{$_.nextHopDomain -eq "SendConnectorName"}
#Must suspend the queues
$queues | suspend-queue
#Must suspend the emails in each queue
$queues | get-message | suspend-message
$msgs = $queues | get-message 
#AssembleMessage filter is available when you run from the EMS.
$msgs | ForEach-Object {$i++; Export-Message $_.Identity | AssembleMessage -Path ("c:\Export_messages\"+ $_.internetMessageId.replace("<","").replace(">","") +".eml")}

This grabs all of your email and drops it in the local folder. This next part I haven't been allowed to test, because I could create duplicate email messages.
  1. Find your Replay directory path on your servers.
    Get-TransportServer | select ReplayDirectoryPath
    C:\Program Files\Exchange\TransportRoles\Replay

  2. Browse to that folder. I don't have one, so I was going to create one.
  3. Copy the emails into that folder and the transport service should pick them up.

Find all mailboxes tagged with a target address going to a specific domain.
Right now we have 3 concurrent migrations to our email system. This means that there are approximately 2,000 mailboxes that are tagged with various target addresses.

get-aduser -ldapfilter '(targetAddress=*'

or using the Quest ARS Powershell cmdlets.

get-qaduser -includedproperties targetaddress -ldapfilter '(targetAddress=*'

I like the Quest tools, because I know how to easily feed it back into and blank it out.

Get-QADUser -includedproperties targetaddress -ldapfilter '(targetAddress=*' | Set-QADUser -ObjectAttributes @{'targetAddress'=$null}


  1. Hi Eric,
    Sorry that contact you so add as this way. Currently I am working for setting default GAL for outlook 2010 and found your script from

    After changing the HEX key it seems no luck. Can you advise me what could be wrong? or can you modify it for use with Outlook 2010/2013

    Thanks & Regards


    1. Yeah, Ever since Outlook 2010, the hex isn't working for me either. Doing a reg-dump before and after setting the default gal, it LOOKS like it should work, but haven't had any luck setting it.
