Our friend on this journey will be invoke-restMethod. (msdn link) (yes, I have started writing my commands in camel case). This command has a few basic components:
- headers - a variable that contains the credentials that you'll need to access this URI
- uri - the URL to the aspect that you are looking to read from/post to.
- method - GET information, POST information PATCH update information etc.
- body - the information you'd like to post up to this interface. Usually empty when doing a GET.
Headers = Authorization - This differs per the API. VMWare requests that a 'refresh' token is generated in the UI, then exchanged for a bearer token. The bearer token can then be used for up to 30 minutes on API calls. AWS needs an Access key and Secret key encoded in a basic credential (i.e. 'get-credential') object.
URI - This is the basic URL to reach this object type. From my experience, this URL follows a basic format.
API URL / object
For example, to query all of the VRA Cloud Accounts (reference) in my environment, the URI would be
Method - Are actions telling invoke-restMethod what is to be performed at the URL. 90% of the time I used only GET to query and POST to create. PATCH can be used to update an existing entry. (see the msdn link for more info)
Note: Powershell on a GET method will return an object that you can extract information from. Unfortunately, I was never able to read modify and post the same object back to a site. I ended up reading it, then creating a new body and posting that.
$Results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $myURL -Method get -ContentType "application/json" -UseBasicParsing -headers $headers
$results | convertto-json
(if the query is successful, the results should look like this)whereas, you can manipulate the object:
and get "my-name"
Body - This was the largest part of the learning curve. The body variable is looking for a JSON formatted variable. For example, peek at the cloud-accounts POST method. The completed body JSON should look like something like this:
Sample Cloud-Account Body from code.vmware.com |
In Powershell, you can attempt to create this two different ways. Simply, it can be a giant text string that you format to contain all of the properties and values. Seems easy enough, but will be rather hard to support later on. The second option you can create a PowerShell hash table and convert it to JSON using the (obviously named) convertTo-JSON command. Once we identify come clues, I feel you'll agree, the hash table to JSON method is much easier.
Observation one: Items are enclosed in curly brackets. These enclose a concept or object. This will be replaced with a hash. "@{ }"
Observation two: There are a few items enclosed in square brackets as well. These are actually arrays of results. Often when there is a one-to-many relationship. @( )
Observation three: Backslashes "\" surround almost all variable values. Ignore them.
Observation four: concepts are separated by commas. Replace these with a semi-colon.
Observation five: the colon is used to separate a key with its value. "name": "string". replace colons with an equals sign.
Observation six: variable names are in 'camelCase' sensitive (only uppercase the first letter of the following words). This is EXTREMELY important when doing REST calls in JSON. You can build the prettiest JSON in the world, but if your variable names are not perfectly matching the case shown in the documentation, the rest call will fail. regionIds -ne RegionIDs. Going from PowerShell to JSON was a shock because of this!
This next example includes a multi-value array for the tags:
The hardest part of the process is making sure that the hash tables and arrays are closed correctly.
Here's a snippet of what I use to create new AWS Cloud Accounts in VRA. I pass a number of variables to this JSON, but I think you can guess how they correlate to your AWS account.
$CloudRegionArray = @("us-west-2") # we only put stuff here.
$NewCloudAccount = @{"accessKeyId"=$strCloudAccountAccessKey;"secretAccessKey"=$strCloudAccountSecretKey;"createDefaultZones"="true";"name"=$strCloudAccountName;"regionIds"=$CloudRegionArray;"tag"=@(@{"key"="ca";"value"=$($strCloudAccountName+"-aws")})} | convertto-json
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