
Friday, December 27, 2013


Running through the Exchange 2010 Server Role Requirements Calculator, I manage 3 copies of each database across 6 nodes of a dag. This has helped me distribute databases across all 6 nodes and not leave myself open in case of a disaster. Using my script, I can 1) see if all my existing DBs are correctly set for their activation preference and 2) see what activation options are still open for new DBs.

From the Distribution worksheet of the spreadsheet, I populated an array with each of the possible values. This is the activation preference, in order, with null columns equal to 0.

$DBDistro = @('123000','012300','001230','000123','300012','230001','102300',`

Then when I run the script against a specific DAG, it tells me if DBs are correctly in alignment and which ones are not.

[PS] PS:\>.\Report-DAGAPDistribution.ps1 dag3
ERROR: Bad Activation Preference - SHARED-DB05 is 003021
123000 ADMIN-DB01
012300 ADMIN-DB02
001230 ADMIN-DB03
000123 ADMIN-DB04
300012 ADMIN-DB05
230001 ADMIN-DB06
102300 ADMIN-DB07
010230 ADMIN-DB08
023001 CIO-DB01
100230 CIO-DB02
010023 CIO-DB03
301002 CIO-DB04
230100 CIO-DB05
023010 CIO-DB06
002301 CIO-DB07
100023 CIO-DB08
310002 PR-DB01
231000 PR-DB02
023100 EXEC-DB01
002310 EXEC-DB02
000231 SALES-DB01
130002 SALES-DB02
213000 SALES-DB03
021300 SALES-DB04
002130 SALES-DB05
000213 HR-DB01
300021 HR-DB02
120300 ------
012030 ------
001203 ------
300120 ------
030012 ------
203001 ------
102030 ------
010203 ------
203100 ------
020310 SHARED-DB04
002031 ------

 Map each DB to a specific activation preference.
    Provides a map of all existing databases on an Exchange 2010 DAG and returns if they match the activation preference. 
   Name of a DAG to review
   Report-DAGAPDistribution.ps1 -identity DAG1

 [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage="DAG Name to review")]

#This is from a 6-node DAG, I copied down the info and replaced blanks with zeros.
#DB1 Activation preference is 1,2,3 
#This coverted to 123000
$DBDistro = @('123000','012300','001230','000123','300012','230001','102300',`

#Max number of copies each DB should have.
$MaxDBCopies = "3"

$DagName = $identity

#Reads list of current server names in the DAG
$serverList = (Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $DagName).servers | sort name| %{$} 
if ($serverList -eq $null) {
 Write-Host "ERROR: No servers found in DAG: $DAGNAME" -ForegroundColor red 

#reads Unique names of DBS on these servers 
$dbs = $serverList | %{Get-MailboxDatabase -server $_} | sort name | select -Unique Name | %{$}

if ($dbs -eq $null) {
 Write-Host "ERROR: No databases found in DAG: $DAGNAME" -ForegroundColor red 

#Build HashTable for report
$hashtable = @{}
$DBDistro | %{$hashtable[$_] = "------"}

ForEach ($db in $dbs) {
 $ap = (get-mailboxdatabase $db).ActivationPreference | sort key
 $APStr = ""
 ForEach ($server in $serverList) {
  $find = [string]($ap | ?{$_.Key -eq $server}).value
  if ($find -eq "") {$find = "0"}
  if ($find -gt $MaxDBCopies) {$find = "0"}
  $APStr += $find
 if ($hashtable[$apstr] -eq $null){
  #This entry does not exist in the Hashtable
  Write-Host "ERROR: Bad Activation Preference - $DB is $apstr " -ForegroundColor yellow
 }elseif ($hashtable[$apstr] -ne "------") { 
  #This entry has been already used by another DB.
 Write-Host "ERROR: Duplicate use of Activation Preference ($apstr)",$hashtable[$apstr],$db -ForegroundColor yellow
 } else {

#Output report to screen
$DBDistro | %{Write-Host $_,$hashtable[$_]}

#Output string sort of Hasttable.
#$hashtable.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name

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